The sweater that never ends


This is why I can’t have nice things or get anything done.

That would be my Solstice Cardigan that I have been slogging away on since October.  I’m tired of it and want it to magically finish itself.  I’m almost done with the first sleeve, worked out a few kinks, ripped it out and started again and now I just have about 2 inches of ribbing to complete before getting the second sleeve done.

March 15 – the Ides.  So to continue, I’m now 2/3 finished with the second sleeve.  I can do it!  Photo’s of the completed glorious sweater to come.  It is big.  But cozy and comfortable which is what I was going for.

On to the hat that doesn’t fit…Colorwork, the Sweet Shop’s Mochi Plus Fair Isle Hat.  I used the needle size called for, 9US, and it was very very big.  Even for me.  So, I felted it.  The plan was to felt it to fit me but you know how that goes.  20 minutes later, forgotten in the dryer it will now fit an 10 year old. eye roll eye roll.  But it is really pretty so it will go to Mary’s Place in Seattle to hug a child’s punkin’ head.

And so begins another rainy (actually pouring rain) day of knitting.  Not a bad way to spend the Ides of March.